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Welcome to SomaliaPeace.net

Somali girl with camel photo image

 We are a network of local organizations, working in the northeast of Somalia, in a region known as Puntland.

We include several small groups who work on the very large task of building peace in Somalia.

We have experience and a reputation for hard work at the community level. We are committed to working together and with all other interested groups to build peace in our communities.

Members of SomaliaPeace.net include

Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organization (Horn Relief),

Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD),

WAWA (We Are Women Activists) Network

Puntland Women's Peace Initiative

What is the News about Peace in Somalia?

Somalia horizons photo image This approach is based on the Somali pastoralist culture where pastoralists greet each other and then ask for the news. Information sharing is fundamental to the pastoralist way of life and to their survival.
Click here for updates about recent developments in Somalia

Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organization (Horn Relief)

 Women in discussion photo is a non-profit, non-governmental organization working with pastoralists in northeast Somalia since 1993. Horn Relief believes in people working with other people to create peaceful and dignified lives. Click on this link for more information about Horn ReliefÍs work. Click here for more information about Horn Relief

Galkayo Education Centre for Peace and Development (GECPD)

GECPD photo GECPD was founded in 1999 in the town of Galkayo to promote education for girls, women, youth and the community at large for social reconstruction and peaceful rebuilding of Somalia. Click here for more information about GECPD

DAWO Women's Network

Click here for more information about DAWO

WAWA Network

A group of women activists in northeast Somalia (Puntland) came together in Bosasso in March 2000 to set up a network to advocate for Women with chart photo women's participation as decision makers at all levels of civil society and government. They call their network "WAWA" , an acronym for We Are Women Activists, or in Somali, Daladda U Heelanayasha Danaha Haweenka. Click here for more information about WAWA

Puntland Women's Coalition for Peace

Somali women have played an active role in developing the basis for peace in Puntland. They were leaders in stopping the charcoal wars, where different groups vied with each other to chop down the meager forests to produce charcoal for export to the Middle East. Thousands of Somali women from different clans marched for peace in July 2000 in Galkayo and stopped violence which had begun with an incident in the market. Click on this link for more information about peace building efforts in Puntland and Somalia.

Somali Scenes

There are several hundred photos of northern Somalia available in high resolution images, (file size of each photo is about 700mb). If you would like to see these photos or use them in other publications please write to Jim Lindsay at mukinduri@bigfoot.com.

Click on these links to see some photos of people and places in northeast Somalia.

A camel train near Buran
A group in the mountains near Galgala
Four girls with flowers
A camel poses with a SomaliaPeace.net member
A shady rock pool under a cliff
Two girls smile shyly for the camera

How YOU can help build peace in Somalia

Click on this link for information about how you can help these groups in building peace in Puntland and throughout Somalia. Contribute to Peace in Somalia

This web site is being built through collaboration and joint training among these groups. You can contact us at somaliapeace@somaliapeace.net. More detailed information on how to contact member organizations of SomaliaPeace.net are given on their respective web pages.

For more information about this website contact Jim Lindsay via email at mukinduri@bigfoot.com.

Take a look at the the tucacas.info home page.